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Year 2018 |
Category Scientific selfie |
Carina Curie A portrait of Carina Santos Hurtado, an IOCB postdoc chemist, inspired by the famous Marie Curie portrait. It was shot at the during the institute happy hours, so a small improvisation was in order.
| The rediscovery of phosphorous The photo was inspired by the painting "The Alchemist Discovering Phosphorus" by Joseph Wright of Derby. The modern alchemists in the photo are, left to right: Yu Kitazawa, Carina Santos Hurtado, and Vicent Imig, all post-doc from the IOCB.
Category Czechoslovakia by scientists |
Wonder at Česky raj A newly arrived post-doc is amused by the limestone of Česky raj.
| Prague Castle by night A long exposure of Prague Castle and a part of Mala Strana.