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Year 2023 |
Category Photogenic science |
Kaleidoskop Foretický roztoč kůrovce Uroobovella ipidis (Vitzthum, 1923)
| Extraterrestrial Transporter Phoretic mite species use other arthropods for personal transport to other locations.
This photo shows a new species of the Histiogaster genus discovered in the Czech Republic that uses bark beetles for its transport.
Phoresy comprises a temporary commensal relationship in which one organism (the phoront) attaches to a phoretic host solely to transport itself to another location.
Phoretic relationships can become parasitic when the host is harmed, such as when the number of mites attached to the host begins to impede its movement. This new species is also a carrier of an entomopathogenic fungus and could potentially be used as a natural biological weapon in the fight against the bark beetle.
Prepared in cooperation with Hana Sehadová.
| Skrytá krása Izolace entomopatogenních hub z půdy
Category Practical and non-practical science |
Mastné ruce Analýza mastných kyselin v biologickcých vzorcích.
| Zpráva v láhvi Znalost chemických reakcí a přeměny sloučenin v laboratorní praxi.
| Čistý start Všem našim kolegům, kteří dělají hodnotnou každodenní práci
Category Drawing and illustration |
Foretic roztoči na kůrovce, pomocí kůrovce jako transport